Another busy day on the tropical island of Gili Air, our home for the last six nights. This morning was spent snorkelling in the current which enables you to drift parallel to the beach for about 1km. No turtles today but we did see an eel (thankfully) disappearing back down a hole.
Lunch time was spent viewing the Gili Air version of Komodo dragons. They are still an impressive metre or so long and looked pretty fierce. We saw five in total but there's many more on the island. After some rock pooling (see photos of poisonous sea urchins and a 15cm long star fish) in the late afternoon, it was back again to the bar for Happy Hour and sunset. Just off to dinner now for our last barbecued fish for a while.
We're off to do Rinjani again tomorrow so hopefully we'll summit this time around. We should be back in civilisation on Saturday or Sunday when we'll be staying in Sengiggi – Lombok's premiere/ only tourist resort. After resting there for a few days, we'll be on the hunting tourists by Komodo dragon boat tour run by Perama. Stay tuned for updates...
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