Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Iced coffee in a bag

A day organising ourselves for the next leg. We walked to the train station to get our tickets to Phitsanulok. On the way there, we found this cool shop, which is no doubt the place to get all your home altar supplies. There were also lots of colourful taxis on the way. Plain black just doesn't work here.

Home altarsI can sing a rainbow taxi

After buying our tickets - we were surprised that there were no touts to steer us away from the station - we had a street food lunch, accompanied by Mirinda drinks. 'Red or green?' we were asked. They're great for children, and we're assured 100% natural. Feeling still thirsty, iced coffee in a bag followed - made with condensed milk and sugar syrup. Very tasty and healthy. We know it looks like a bag of tadpoles, but it really is coffee with ice.

Natural drinks Coffee in a bag

On the way back we caught the SkyTrain. Jen spent the afternoon getting a haircut, pedicure and foot massage (getting her toes wrenched from their sockets). Another day living the high life.

BTS Skytrain


davidjwaugh said...

looks like a nice place. With our winter weather i wish I was there!

Anyway good works Christmas party last night. Currently having a alka seltzer!

Speak soon

Anonymous said...

Coffee looks like the Greek version which had about 6 spoonfuls of coffee in it then it is all mashed up. Very nice cold.

Glad you are having a great time.
