The yak with the man is called Nima Tsering which translates as “Long Life Sun”. He is 10 years old and had injured himself in a fight with another yak (which had horns). He is resting in the lower pastures of Manang and is expected to make a full recovery. His summer job is transporting sick tourists over the Thorung La pass.

Caterpillar Watch
For fans of caterpillar watch - some caterpillar pictures
Mule Trains
Many (unbreakable) goods are transported by mule trains. Motor vehicles can't reach most places in the northern parts of the Annapurna circuit and sanctuary. The mules use the same narrow bridges as people. Sometimes, we would have to wait for as many as fifteen mule trains to pass us.

Other Animals
Shaggy dog and blue sheep (they're not blue and they look more like dear).

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