Shinkansen Hikari
We then caught the Shinkansen Hikari train from Tokyo to Kyoto - a distance of 513.6km covered in just 2 hours 43 minutes (average speed 189km/h including stops, max speed 270km/h). No delays and on time to the minute. The fastest train, not covered on our passes, does the same journey at an average speed of 218km/h (max speed 300km/h, better acceleration).
When the train arrives in the station, a team of people clean and rotate all the seats 180 degrees (see team waiting below left).

Before boarding, it's important to get your bento box. This was today's lunch (above right). Here's a six second taster of the journey (below).
Kyoto Station
Kyoto station is pretty impressive - an 11-storey building with the train station at the bottom. A lot of school children were around, and their homework was to stop and practise their English (and get their photo taken) with as many tourists as possible. We thought they wanted us to take a picture of them, not the other way round! The children choreographed the photo themselves - it's so ordered.
Why am I not surpised you missed your train?!
Glad you're having fun - keep posting!
Helen xx
Most impressed by your extensive blogging. Lovely to see your photos.
Hei Jenni ja Andy,
kiva seurata teidän seikkailua siellä maailmalla. Hyvää reissua ja paljon ikimuistoisia kokemuksia. Pitäkää huolta toisistanne,
toivoo vanha kamusi Anni F. Hausjärveltä
Moikka reissaajat. Thanks for your latest visit in Masala :)
Unbelievable, do they clean the trains at every station?
Your lunch box looks delicious. I am hungry. I am happy to follow your story from far outside these four walls. Take care!
Hugs, Jaana
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