Below - Buna- ga-take from the summit of Goten-yama (1,097m) and Andy on the summit.
Navigation was reasonably straightforward, following a number of trails. It was interesting to see the impact of previous landslides, flash floods and rock falls along the trail. One of the main route points was a ski centre. However, when we got there there were no buildings to be found. In fact the whole infrastructure had been taken away in 2004 - including the cable car which would have provided us with a short cut down to the next valley.
Below - snapshots of the trail.
There was lots of wildlife along the walk including rabbits, dear, Japanese fire bellied salamanders (newts) , lizards, maybe monkeys and a couple of snakes - which did nothing to ease Jen's frog/snake phobia. One snake was very impressive - about a metre long and just watched us. Luckily we were above it on a board walk. On the way back down though we found a sign (see below). Apparently, it says that the snake was a mamushi - or Japanese pit viper, one of only two poisonous snakes in Japan. I think it also says that mamushi like to be handled by humans and stroked under the chin.
Below - the snake warning sign and some good size logs for the fire!
A really interesting walk. Looking forward to the next one already... However, it's a rest day in Kyoto tomorrow.
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